Home » The Ultimate ‘Slow Down’ Checklist

The Ultimate ‘Slow Down’ Checklist

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After several jam-packed days this past week, I could tell my body wanted to revolt, and that if I didn’t listen, I would get sick and be far more useless than if I slowed down and took a day or two to truly rest my brain and body. I realize I talk about slowing down all the time, so much so you think I’d be just stellar at it, but the truth is that I’m naturally prone to overdoing it.

How do I know when my brain and my body are telling me to hit the brakes? My digestive system doesn’t work as well as it should, I wake up thinking about all the things I have to do, my body is sore from holding tension, I stumble over my words and struggle to make strong decisions, and I’m not near as gracious with my family as I should be. Even though I knew in advance that the last four days were going to be filled with good things – birthday celebrations, photo shoots, family visits and calls – I also knew that going that long without sufficient down time would take a toll.

I feel like in my 20’s I could survive crazy schedules on sheer energy. Then in my 30’s, a decade filled with child-bearing and raising littles, I was riding the highs and lows just trying to get by. I naively thought that when I arrived at my 40’s, I could hit the ground running and bounce back after my early-motherhood years. Wow, was I mistaken. Instead I can sense the need to be gentle with myself, to work smarter not harder, to slow down more than I thought would be necessary, and to give my body and brain ample time and space to be restored.

So here I am, sometimes learning the hard way, but relieved that instead of pushing myself into overdrive and paying for it later, I am willing to call a time out and give myself a pass to rest. I think it’s a good example to my kids as well, for them to see me either overtly declaring time for extra rest or subtly carving out rest throughout our week. I want them to listen to their intuition and their bodies and remember that often our best work comes from a place of rest. But they won’t have the chance to learn to intuit this for themselves if a) I don’t lead by example, and b) I pack their schedules so full they don’t have the margin they need to practice intuiting.

Here then is My Ultimate Slow Down Checklist that serves as a reminder to slow down and rest:

  • Am I getting 8 hours of sleep each night?
  • Do I have time to sit and read my Bible, journal, and just BE for a few minutes each morning?
  • Am I getting regular workouts & time outdoors in my schedule?
  • Is my digestive system revolting or is it working smoothly? Do I have stomach issues? This is usually the result of a combination of stress and not eating properly.
  • Do I sit down to eat 3 healthy meals per day? Am I sitting down to eat with my family or am I eating on the go?
  • Do I have time for spontaneous calls/visits from/with friends or family without needing to multitask?
  • Am I cranky with my family? Do I have time for them or am I/are we on the go from morning until night?
  • Is decision-making harder than normal/than it should be?
  • Do I have time/energy to plan out my next day the night before?
  • Am I creating anything for sheer pleasure during my days?

If my answer is ‘no’ to 3 or more of these things, I know that I’m not running optimally. If my answer is ‘no’ to 5 or more of these questions, I know I’m risking my physical and mental health. It’s no wonder that I struggled to stay healthy and balanced during the years with babies and littles when, to be honest, checking off 5 of these would be a stretch!

You might be scanning the above list and thinking there’s no way you could make 7/10 of these items a regular part of your days. That’s okay. That’s because the checks and balances you need might look different. Mine are what work for me, but you might want to adapt the above list to suit you and your lifestyle better. Or you might really resonate with the list above and want to reflect on it and decide if you need some time to slow down and recover. Either way, no matter who we are, we all need to develop our intuition and take care of ourselves as best we can. We can’t run at a breakneck pace forever. Our bodies will eventually revolt, our relationships will suffer, and we won’t be able to live to the fullest the abundant life we’ve been given.

And with that, I’m taking a day to rest and just BE present with God and my family. I plan to stay in my pjs for longer than normal, give my kids a free pass on their school, spend as much of the day outdoors as possible, get off-screen, and nourish myself in all the ways I can. I’m no use to anyone if I run myself into the ground and get sick, so while part of me protests while looking at my calendar/to-do lists, I know intuitively that I will sacrifice so much more later than if I slow down now. I hope you too can check in with yourself this week and intuit your needs with confidence and compassion.

Want to join me for the ultimate opportunity to slow down? Come with me on a weeklong walk through the Cotswolds, where you can be immersed in the beauty and tranquility of the English countryside and experience restoration and inspiration along the way. Click HERE for more details.





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