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February is the New January

I am one of those over-zealous planners who salivates at the thought of a new calendar and the possibility of planning out the new year. I purchase my trusty Moleskine calendar plus my wall calendars in September so that come the new year – scratch that, come the day after Christmas – I’m ready to begin planning for the year ahead. One of the first things I enter into my new Moleskine is for the 1st of September…when I remind myself to buy my new planner and calendars for the coming year. Obsessive much?

As someone with ideas galore and a surplus of dreams I’d like to pursue, not to mention being someone who relies on visual and aesthetic organization in order to function well, I become giddy about fresh blank spaces where the workings of my mind can take shape. I also need our family’s schedule written down somewhere in order to help me make decisions about what we can and cannot say ‘yes’ to throughout the year. With each passing year I find it more vital to carve out margin in my calendar and leave space for rest, the unknown, and the spontaneous.

That being said, normally the week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favourites. Full of rest and leftovers and planning. I usually use this week to plan out my year in advance, enter important dates into my calendars, and organize my creative vision for the year with regards to work, homeschool, and my own personal pursuits. This year, however, has been different.

This year I felt a distinct nudge to hold off on leaping into the new year with a burst of energy (often short-lived if I’m being honest). Instead, I leaned into the urge to take my cue from nature, wherein winter is a time of dormancy, stillness, and rest. Nature does not create year-round, it takes a break in order to produce its best work at a later date. And so I’ve lingered in the Christmas season longer than normal. It’s New Year’s Day and most of my Christmas decor is still up when normally I’m ready to clear it all away to make room for the fresh start I feel ready to pursue both mentally and physically. Instead, I’m lingering in the glow of the tree lights and Christmas village a little longer. The empty stockings and citrus garland still hanging on the mantle encourage me to reflect on the Christmas season that is coming to a close, rather than rush forth into a bright and shiny January. There are a few Christmas books I just picked up from the library that I’m still looking forward to reading. We are, after all, still within the 12 Days of Christmas, so why not!

While I did begin filling my planner in with important dates, I have held off on most of my planning and have decided to use the entire month of January to let my ideas marinate and to allow my brain and my body time to rest. I’m claiming February as the new January…for myself at least. Why not let my fresh start begin after I’ve had time to come down off of the Christmas high and have spent some time surrendering to the stillness of the season?

Of course real life still happens. I can’t just remain in that nebulous post-Christmas haze for another 4 weeks (although maybe next year I’ll give that a whirl!). So what will this season of surrender look like? Here’s what I’m prioritizing for the month of January:

  • Early bedtimes so my body can recharge and get more sleep.
  • Less sugar and more protein so I can fuel my body best.
  • More time outdoors in order to take advantage of the light, which helps produce more Vitamin D, and also resets my circadian rhythms.
  • Pared down social plans and ‘busy’ activities.
  • Less screen time in order to minimize distractions, unnatural stimulation, and mental overwhelm.

If you could pick just one of these, or another focus entirely, what would you pursue? I hope the beginning of your new year is off to a gentle start.


PS // I’ll be back on the blog in February to report on how this new treatment of January panned out. For weekly updates and more slow living inspiration and solutions, you can partake of my more regular musings by subscribing to my newsletter.

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What to do with all that Halloween Candy?

So I have to ask: are there other parents out there as frustrated and bewildered as I am by the staggering amount of candy  being foisted upon our kids these days? Candy and junk food offerings no longer seem relegated to holidays, birthday parties, and a visit to the doctor’s office that ends with a token lollipop. Instead, just about every single kid-related event or gathering we attend includes the opportunities to ingest sugars, dyes, and high-fructose corn syrup. WHY? While I can’t answer that question, I can make decisions that influence how my kids respond to the junk food buffet they’re repeatedly exposed to. And with Halloween fast approaching, I’m sharing this year’s plan for dealing with the Great Candy Onslaught of 2025.

But first, I want to address the question you might be asking. WHY? Why be so concerned with the simple, childlike pleasure of amassing a mountain of candy? My answer is this: how can we expect kids to intuit their natural rhythms and form a healthy relationship to food if we encourage them to fill up on some of the worst offenders: toxic dyes, artificial sweeteners, and every unpronounceable ingredient found on the back of a candy wrapper?

In our home we talk a lot about making better choices, moderation, and swapping low quality treats for more elevated options. I don’t want to ban sugar or treats, I want my kids to be able to tell the difference between junk and quality. I want them to sense what their bodies are telling them when they eat poor quality ‘food products’, and to seek alternatives. I long for them to enjoy high quality and/or homemade options so that they no longer desire junk. Actually, they already do this so much more than I did when I was young and I’m so impressed by their shifting preferences!

This past year I’ve given my kids the option of trading out treats they receive (Everywhere! All the time! What on earth!?) for good quality chocolate, home baked treats, pastries from a local bakery, etc. Almost every time they come home with junk, they ask to swap it out for something that doesn’t make them feel gross. When we are out, they mostly choose non-dye options when offered, and also choose homemade desserts over store-bought ones (my 11 and 9-year old girls are much more prone to this than my 6-year old boy, but that’s to be expected). On the odd occasion when they choose the less healthy option, I don’t criticize, and sometimes even join in.

This Halloween I came up with a new idea for how to handle the incoming candy: they’ll each keep a small bag of  favourites and trade the rest in for an outing to the movies where they can enjoy their treats. When I proposed the option to the kids, they were fully on board. Not only will we have the fun of dressing up and trick-or-treating together, but we’ll also enjoy more time and create more memories together as a result of the trade. My girls also suggested we keep some candy to use for gingerbread constructions come Christmas. I love that they too, are looking for ways to enjoy the collecting of candy without ingesting it all!

Here are a few more ideas for what to do with all that leftover halloween candy:

  • Offer for your kids trade it in for a shopping trip (doesn’t have to be big or lavish!). Last year I told them that a specific amount of pieces of candy would earn them a specific cash value, so the more candy they gave me, the more they had to spend.
  • Swap out the candy in exchange for a trip to an old-fashioned candy store and purchase a small amount of better candy to enjoy and learn about.
  • Trade candy for baking a dessert of their choice together and enjoying it with a movie.
  • Set up a prize box where kids can barter/swap out their candy over time. This might help with kids who don’t want to immediately part with their loot all at once!
  • Find a dentist that has a buy-back program where they offer to purchase your leftover candy. Let the kids do some shopping, save it up, or even better, do something to serve someone in need.

How do you handle the candy collection and consumption during this season or throughout the year? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.



















Finding Margin on Mondays

Mondays might be my most favourite day of the week. We usually have no plans for Mondays other than to delve into a fresh week of school and begin making our way through weekly chores and projects. As an introvert, I’m typically relieved to have a social break after the weekend. I also find that my energy for getting things accomplished is at its zenith on Mondays, so I like to get meal prep and bigger chores done early in the week. I don’t know about any other moms out there, but I tend to feel pretty wiped out by Friday afternoon, and am rarely the finest version of myself at that point in the week!

On this bright, blue-sky Monday morning, I was rather pleased about the day’s progress as I turned on my gas stove’s third burner and began boiling water for that night’s dinner. Veggies for mine and Will’s lunches were sautéing in one pan while bone broth was simmering in the stock pot. Travis was playing outside, burning off some energy, before I sat down with him for his schoolwork. Lauren and Natalie were already making their way through math and piano practice. There was a hum to our hive that felt purposeful and positive.

As I basked in the glow of a morning going strong, about to lower almost five  pounds of chopped Yukon gold potatoes into a pot of boiling water, a sharp CRACK jolted me out of my reverie, and a simultaneous spray of shattered glass from along the back of the stovetop was sent flying into the potato water, across the range, and onto the kitchen floor. My efficient morning had been eradicated in an instant.

I sighed deeply as I switched off all three burners on the now crystalline-covered stovetop, shooed curious kids away from the blast site, and began sweeping up the debris. In spite of feeling utterly deflated, I was grateful that no glass had found its way into my eyes or skin. My middle child assessed the situation with the pragmatic reminder that, “At least we don’t have anywhere to be today.”

“Quite right,” I agreed. If today had been a busy day, I would have had far less capacity to handle the hiccup with grace. I might have let my irritation with this fiasco affect my interactions with the kids in a negative manner. Instead, as I slowly began to clean up, I realized that this interruption was essentially another reminder to slow down and plan for more days like this one: days with enough margin for plans to go awry, schedules to shift, and for me to pivot.

So, how do I go about scheduling my days with maximum margin? It comes down to a simple question I can ask myself as often as I need to:

“What ACTUALLY NEEDS to get done?”

While I’m becoming better at assessing how much I can realistically get done in a specific period of time, I still have to regularly reassess my list of to-dos and weed out the things that can truly just wait.

When I consider what needs to get done versus what I would like to accomplish, it’s much easier to give myself permission to slow down and carve out space for life to ebb and flow.

In the long run, my responses to how I handle the unexpected hiccups and hardships will matter far more than what I accomplished on a day-to-day basis. How I treat others (and that’s not to say I’ve always done that well – far from it!) is always going to outlast whatever I achieve. When I pare down all my reasons for wanting to slow down more, the ones that matter most are these: to love God and love others as best I can.

Looking for more slow living inspiration? Check out the blog posts below.

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3 Steps to a Less Stressful School Year

Over the years I have developed what I like to call slow living strategies that have helped me become more in sync with my natural rhythms, cope with the busy pace of life we experience living here in the San Francisco Bay area, and nurture the relationships that matter most. Of course there are seasons when I struggle to maintain the habits I’ve honed, and I have to admit that the start to this school year has been one of them.

While I’m becoming more consistent with working out and taking care of my health, my administrative rhythms have slipped recently, and I’m still in catch-up mode. I’m convinced that trying to maintain the perfect balance is not unlike chasing a unicorn – a mythical quest at best. That being said, having strategies that help me quickly recover when I am struggling in a specific area, are key to moving forward during a busy season. Last week I was especially grateful for one of my favourite strategies that I was able to implement following a pretty sizeable slip-up!

I began my descent into mistake-territory first thing on a Friday morning. While I’d held off on checking my email during the initial hour or so after waking, I happened to pop into my inbox just before breakfast and noticed that tickets for my girls’ upcoming theatre production had just gone on sale.

Last winter I wasn’t super quick on the draw with my wallet and as a result, missed out on optimal seats for my eldest daughter’s first show. Determined not to let that happen again, I sat down at the breakfast table, and in an attempt to ignore the morning hubub whirling around me, worked on booking tickets for multiple shows and the multiple family members and friends flying in for the occasion.

Within about 10 minutes the tickets were booked and I was more than a little self-satisfied that I’d accomplished this big ‘to-do’ item before breakfast. Later that morning while texting with a friend who knew the specific theatre well, I asked about the front-row seats I had purchased. While she confirmed that they were indeed eye-level with the stage, she also informed me that our seats wouldn’t allow my 5-year old to see the back of the stage. Well, shoot. So much for early-morning efficiency I thought.

Even though I was pretty sure the theatre wouldn’t let me change my seats, I decided to give the box office a call and ask. A pleasant voice answered and Carla (Karla?) searched for my order. Confused by my confident assertion that I’d purchased front-row seats for 4 shows, she double-checked the tickets and then explained that I’d made a not uncommon (but incredibly cringe-worthy) mistake. “You’ve flipped the seating chart around and booked the back row,” Carla/Karla explained. In an instant I went from hopeful I could shift our seats to a few rows back to horrified that my entire family would be seated in the nosebleed section. I began praying to God and begging to Carla/Karla simultaneously. Hearing the panic in my voice, Carla/Karla put me on hold in order to speak with her supervisor. Several nerve-wracking minutes of pacing and more prayer passed until I heard Carla/Karla exclaim, “Good news! We can make an exception and exchange your tickets over the phone right now. There will be a $10 change fee if that’s okay?” Okay? OKAY?! Never have I been so deliriously happy to pay a change fee. TAKE MY MONEY LADY!

After I had confirmed the new (and improved, not front row) tickets had been delivered safely to my inbox, I hung up the phone and just about cried with delight and overwhelm. In spite of my mistake, God and the people at our local theatre box office were gracious with me and saved me from handing out binoculars to our non-plussed parents so they would be able to actually see our girls on stage.

The next thing I needed to do was pull myself together on a deeper level, because clearly I was a hot mess.  With so much home/family/extracurricular/school admin and messaging that comes with the beginning of the school year, I felt like I was drowning in to-dos.  As a result, I was obviously not making decisions with clarity and forethought. I had also ignored my self-imposed rule that I don’t book tickets for anything with kids around. I had a major mixup with flight rebooking ten years ago that lead me to implement that rule, and I’ve stuck by it for a solid decade – until last week of course. My lapse in judgement that day reminded me to SLOW DOWN. For the rest of the day I held off on any other decisions or responses that could easily wait to be determined or sent until the next morning.

I also knew that I needed to utilize a strategy I’ve been relying on for YEARS when my brain feels like it’s overloaded and cannot contain additional information. I’d failed to take advantage of this strategy over the past couple weeks but knew it was time to revisit this favourite of mine.  The strategy is known as a brain dump, and while I’ve hated the term for as long as I’ve used it, the poorly-named process is incredibly helpful.

Brain dumps are one of my all-time favourite tools to help me de-stress, reduce decision fatigue, prioritize what’s important, and slow down. Mine is a 3 part process that I’m going to share below.

  1. Pull out a notebook and jot down EVERY SINGLE THING that I need to do or consider that isn’t already scheduled. This list typically winds up being a massive download of everything from grocery items to purchase, errands to run, correspondence to catch up on, paperwork to do, appointments to schedule, gifts to pick out, special events to plan, work projects to tackle, stuff to remind Will about, you name it. There’s no rhyme or reason to the list, I just write until my brain feels relieved and there’s nothing left for me to remember. I usually have to scroll through texts, inboxes, and other platform messaging to make sure I’m not missing anything. It’s best if I try to do this when I’m going to be interrupted as little as possible.

2. Immediately following, or at another time that day, I make categories in my notebook so everything on the initial list has a place to go. Then I sort the list and check off each one as I enter it under the appropriate category. Here are a list of my typical categories:

    • Home (mostly menial tasks)
    • Yard/Garden
    • Errands
    • To Purchase
    • Groceries
    • School
    • Extracurriculars (sub-headings for piano, theatre, etc.)
    • Work
    • Correspondence
    • Computer (projects or to-do’s that require me to sit down at the computer)
    • Will (things I need for Will to do)

3. The next thing I do is plug as many items from these lists as possible into my calendar. I learned this strategy from my current business coach Heather Boersma, and it has really helped me to actually tackle the stuff on my lists. Not everything gets an assigned date, but a large portion of my lists do. This prevents me from having to stare at my lists and make decisions about when to do what. It helps to decrease decision fatigue and shorten my lists.

After my theatre ticket mishap, you can bet I did a massive brain dump, (gotta find a new term for that) then categorized, sorted and scheduled my to-dos. My mental load is lighter and my stress has lessened significantly. Even though I know this fall is going to feel more busy than I prefer, I at least have a strategy that helps me manage the chaos with some clarity!

If you want to give my 3-part brain dump a whirl, I highly recommend doing this before the start of each week, prior to planning a trip, leading up to the holiday season, or (my favourite) upon takeoff when flying. I love kicking off a vacation with everything in my brain offloaded so I can enjoy my time away with as much of my mental space cleared for connection, creativity, and rest.

And if you have another better term for brain dump, please, I beg you to share!

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3 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

When it comes to integrating slow living strategies into our lives, I believe that tapping into our intuition is one of the most important processes we can adopt. Becoming attuned to our intuition can enable us to course-correct, gain clarity, make better decisions, reflect on the past, and prepare for the future. Sometimes we intuit for our own benefit, but at times we are also required to intuit on behalf of, or in cooperation with, family members, staff, ministry partners, a business or program, students, clients etc.

Tapping into my intuition has helped me discern my body’s needs and my brain’s logic, differentiate between desires that are selfish or selfless, and recall the wisdom of God’s Word or those who have spoken into my life from a place of wisdom and experience.

Becoming attuned to my intuition has required the following: stillness, silence, and solitude. I cannot intuit well amidst the clamour and chaos of busyness, noise, and the needs and expectations of others. So how do I find stillness, silence, and solitude when the days are full and the nights feel short? Below are 3 methods that have helped me to tap into my intuition amidst the roller coaster of parenting, homeschooling, and running a business.

  • Time in nature, specifically a walk or wild swim, allows me to breathe deeply, reset my nervous system, observe lessons from nature, escape the noise, get off my device, and hear from God through his creation. This is one of my favourite ways to gain clarity and tap into my intuition.
  • Early mornings before my family needs me or the rest of the world has a chance to fill my brain via emails, texts, and social media are essential.  Spending time in prayer, journaling, and meditation on Scripture as a way of both communing with God and hearing His voice provides me with peace and the opportunity to intuit my next steps or a greater vision.
  • The pursuit of a creative outlet no matter how insignificant it might feel or how poorly it is attempted, increases my ability to hone my intuition. Whether it’s painting or photography, piano or cooking, setting a beautiful table or pruning a rose bush, any opportunity I have to do something creative helps me become more acquainted with sensing nuance. It’s a training ground for developing my intuitive sense. The more I engage with a creative outlet, the more I become attuned to my intuition, which I can then utilize throughout all aspects of life.

As I become more intuitive, I become better able to understand my purpose, use the gifts God has given me, and endure difficult seasons. Tapping into my intuition has also helped me decide on and hone a number of slow living strategies that have made my life feel less chaotic, more in sync with natural rhythms, and more aligned with my desire to lead a peace-filled life.

For the story on how I lost my connection to my intuition during the pandemic and gained it back during an unexpected season, click HERE.

If you’d like to follow along on my exploration of slow living strategies, you can subscribe to my newsletter for weekly inspiration, travel tips, offers, and opportunities to increase your rest, creativity, and natural rhythms. Join me on the journey HERE.

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5 Ways to Increase Rest & Decrease Stress

As we prepare to launch into another school year, I’ve been thinking about what I what want this year to look like. It includes the following:

  • Increased time in nature
  • Less screen time & device dependence
  • A schedule that is oriented around restorative rest
  • More automation in order to reduce decision fatigue
  • Improved sleep quality

I’ve recently addressed the first two issues in my regular newsletter, which you can read here (nature edition) and here (screen time edition) but am diving into the other topics on my blog, as this is where I intend to spend more time exploring the concepts of rest and creativity that fuel and restore me whether I’m at home or on the road.

I am passionate about going out into the world (whether that be to far-flung locales or to just-around-the-corner antique stores and markets) and bringing inspiration back home. The cycle of going out into the world and being inspired, then weaving that inspiration into my rhythms and routines helps to ignite my creativity, which in turn enables me to thrive in various seasons and spaces.

If this appeals to you, I invite you to explore this space and stay tuned. You can also subscribe to my weekly newsletter which will keep you updated with my latest offerings (retreats, travel tips, slow rhythm strategies, and favourite finds) and links to fresh blog posts and photo collections.

I’ll be sharing very shortly about my thoughts regarding a schedule oriented around rest and how I intend to apply that to this coming year. One thing that I’ve been considering lately is how I seem to experience the best mental rest once my body has had a chance to slow down. My husband Will, however, told me that he functions best with the opposite approach.

Which works best for you? Slowing your body down first and letting your mental burdens lighten as a result, or letting go of your mental stressors in order to let your body rest? Feel free to share your personal preferences in the comments below or send me an email at: hello@bringinginspirationhome.com  I’d love to chat further about why some of us slow down better one way and others require the opposite strategy!

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The Value of Nurturing Our Intuition

This morning while taking an early walk around my neighbourhood park, I happened to see two fleshy, pink earthworms wriggling along the gravel path. The observation reminded me of a moment when, in 2017 on my first day ever of walking through the Cotswolds, I stopped to watch an earthworm wend its way up out of the rich, dark soil. That moment remains with me,  because in that pause I remember thinking incredulously to myself, “When on earth do you have time in your normal life to slow down enough to watch an earthworm?” Since then, I’ve made it a habit to slow down and observe nature’s most inconspicuous creatures, as I often find there is wisdom to be gained from studying their activity.

While the rain clouds threatened to burst forth above me, I peered curiously down at the pair of worms. It was then that I noticed I was surrounded by at least a dozen earthworms, slowly inching away from the higher and drier gravel path towards the lower-lying mud and grass just a few feet away. They all had the same instinctive goal of making their way towards an environment that was best suited to them and their needs. I use the word ‘instinctive’ because I’m not sure that ‘intuitive’ would be the correct description for an earthworm’s process of determining its needs. Do worms intuit or do they just follow their natural-born instincts? I’m not sure, and quite frankly, I think that’s where my curiosity ends when it comes to worms. I am, however, very much intrigued by the intuition we humans possess, and am inspired by these creatures’ drive and ambition to do what’s necessary in order to make their minuscule lives count for something.

“We were given intuition for a reason, but if it’s not nurtured, it cannot serve the purpose it was meant to fulfill” 

For the duration of my walk, I continued to ponder the value and cultivation of intuition. A couple years ago, as the fog of the pandemic began to lift, I realized that during that strange and stressful season, my intuition had taken a nosedive. My ability to make decisions with clarity and assuredness was no longer what it had once been. It wasn’t until some months later when I had the opportunity to spend 7 weeks hunting on my in-laws land in Mississippi, that my intuition received a reboot. Towards the end of our extended visit I realized there had been 3 things that helped me tap back into my intuition: silence, stillness, and solitude.

Hunting requires these three elements in spades and I was fortunate enough to experience them all at once over an extended period of time. On the days when I left the house before daybreak and made my way into the woods alone, my senses were on high alert so as to avoid a run-in with a wild hog. Whenever I crept through the woods, I had to move ever so slowly in order to observe nature’s signals without disturbing my surroundings. I noticed that the birds and squirrels would go quiet when a larger animal was present. I studied the ground for deer tracks and antler scrapes. I watched the weather and paid attention to wind direction so I could predict patterns of animal movement. When I sat for hours in a tree stand, day after day, I observed the comings and goings of the same lone spider, waiting patiently for a meal to land in its web. I was witness to the sun’s rising and setting along with my body’s own energy waxing and waning. I could not have been so alert and attuned to my intuition had I not embraced the trifecta of silence, stillness, and solitude. 

“Prior to the pandemic I didn’t realize that my intuition was something I needed to cultivate and care for. It didn’t occur to me that it could become dull or tainted. But finding time for solitude, stillness, and silence is key to tapping into our intuition.”  

On the afternoon of my 39th birthday, while seated alone in the tree stand, soaked from rain, I sensed the need to wait just a few more minutes until the last of the shooting light had disappeared. I was cold, wet, and frustrated, but my intuition prompted me to override my physical discomfort and emotions. I’m so grateful I heeded that intuitive sense, because shortly after I decided to stick it out just a bit longer, I was granted the perfect opportunity for a broadside shot. In the stillness I waited until my aim was steady. In the silence I could hear my breathing and paused until it had slowed. In the silence I could mentally run through all of the steps and safety checks I’d learned until the moment I squeezed the trigger. As a result of weeks spent re-cultivating my intuition, I was able to confidently make a clear, decisive kill that brought the animal down swiftly. By the end of our visit, I had shot a second deer and was able to fill our freezer for the next year. Even more rewarding than contributing to our family’s food supply was the return of my intuition, which would serve me long after the venison had been consumed.

Since that experience, I’ve paid closer attention to maintaining my intuition. Prior to the pandemic I didn’t realize that my intuition was something I needed to cultivate and care for. It didn’t occur to me that it could become dull or tainted. But finding time for solitude, stillness, and silence is key to tapping into our intuition. These elements give us space to think, pray, dream, hope, question, and sense, which in turn help us to navigate our spiritual growth, mental health, life circumstances, relationships, parenting journeys, physical well-being, creative expressions, and career paths.

If the concept of maintaining or tapping into your intuition resonates with you, but you’re unsure of how to integrate the process into your lifestyle, here are a few of my favourite habits that help keep up or refresh my intuition (especially since hunting isn’t an easy or consistent option for me, and probably isn’t your first choice either!):

  • Early morning quiet time before my family wakes up. I love sitting in front of the fireplace with my Bible, journal, and mug of tea. Notice I didn’t list my phone. I tap into my intuition best if the world hasn’t had a chance to invade my thoughts before I’ve attuned myself to God and spent some time in personal reflection following the night’s rest.
  • Walking is proven to stimulate creative thought, so whether I’m using the elliptical, walking through my neighbourhood, or hiking in nature, this activity helps to unleash questions and out-of-the-box thinking. If I schedule time to sit and write afterwards, or even follow up my walk with a voice memo, I consistently experience clarity of thought.
  • A hot shower always helps me to shed distractions and refocus my mind if I’m feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list or am struggling to solve a problem. By the time I turn off the water, I often feel like my decision fatigue has lifted and am able to make decisions with more decisiveness and less internal conflict.
  • Creative pursuits such as painting have helped me hone my intuition. When I reach a block in my creative process, I trust that my intuitive process will lead me in the right direction. I can also sense when I need to put down my brush, because if I don’t, I’ll begin to make a mess of my work. Painting is a process that helps me to recognize when my intuition is telling me to pause. When I pay attention to that internal stop light in my creative pursuits, I am able to recognize that same alert when it flares up in other areas of my life, and pause or backtrack as needed.
  • Limiting the world’s voice through carefully curating the content I ingest is integral to keeping my intuition sharp. News, social media, and entertainment all have a place in my life, but I have to be extremely picky about the quality and the quantity I allow into my day lest it drown out God’s Word, my own intuition, wisdom of wise counsel, and the input of those who matter most to me.
  • Social boundaries are probably the hardest element to implement in order to maintain my intuition, but I know that when I am over-scheduled or there is not enough time in my schedule for the silence, stillness, and solitude needed, I risk reducing my intuitive acuity. I am a social introvert, and experience a constant tug-of-war between saying ‘yes’ to social activities and prioritizing more restful, quieter ones that help keep my intuition ‘levels’ at their peak. However, when I look at the ‘long game’, I remember that rest helps me keep my calendar, social activities, and obligations sustainable, my decisions free from guilt, and my relationships as healthy as possible.

It can feel overwhelming to know where to begin when it comes to tapping into your intuition, but taking just one quiet walk or a half an hour of solitude before the world wakes up, and then repeating the process on a regular basis, can make a massive difference in how you tap into and utilize your intuition. There are many times when, in spite of what logic or rationale may dictate, we experience a nagging feeling that nudges us towards everything from how you pray for someone, to whether or not you get that spot or lump checked out, to an unease about the presence of a certain co-worker or neighbour, to that urge to help a stranger. We were given intuition for a reason, but if it’s not nurtured, it cannot serve the purpose it was meant to fulfill.

If you are longing for an extended time of rest that would enable you to tap into your intuition more fully, why not join me on a Women’s Walking Retreat in the Cotswolds. During our week of walks through the English countryside, you’ll have the time and space to let decision fatigue fade, the natural world speak to your senses, your spiritual life deepen, your imagination flourish, and your intuition reawaken. If you’re feeling conflicted, burdened, overwhelmed, or in need of a re-set, my Women’s Walking Retreat has been designed with you in mind.

As we walk, we’ll stop in ancient churches along the way where you’ll have time to pray or journal, and where we’ll sing hymns and connect. I’ll be teaching on creativity and rest throughout the retreat so that you can take the restoration and inspiration you experience and integrate it into your rhythms back home. My co-leader is a trained therapist and will be providing support if you’d like to process with her. This retreat is designed to offer a time of restoration and inspiration that will serve you for years to come. Please email me at hello@bringinginspirationhome.com if you are interested! You can also click HERE for details.

I hope to see you there!  — Jaime

Looking for more slow living strategies to increase your rest, enhance your creativity, and bring inspiration home? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for slow living inspiration, travel tips, and opportunities to rest, create, and explore the world with me in person. Join me on the journey HERE.

Curious about pursuing silence? Click HERE for another blog post on the Value of Silence in a World of Noise.

“I could not have been so alert and attuned to my intuition had I not embraced the trifecta of silence, stillness, and solitude.”  




A Rusty Pickup & The Pursuit of Play

My husband’s 1999 dark green Dodge Dakota, with its 200,000 plus miles, broken air conditioning, and doors that don’t open properly, has been collecting cobwebs and growing rust spots while sitting on the side of our suburban driveway for the past 5 years.

“Ol’ Betsy”, Will’s affectionate nickname for his first vehicle, had been relegated to retirement  in 2018 upon the arrival of both our third child, and a new (to us) white Ford F-150 that could accommodate carseats and get us places with more reliability. In spite of my gentle yet persistent ‘encouragement’ that he wish Betsy a ‘Bon Voyage’, Will just couldn’t find the time or inclination to part ways with the pickup that had borne witness to so much of his personal history.

Recently, however, my patience had been nearing the end of its tether. Over the past year, we’ve been paying to store a pop-up tent trailer elsewhere, instead of parking it where Ol’ Betsy had taken up residence. Essentially, this meant that the truck we hadn’t been using was costing us money on a monthly basis. Each month I would narrow my eyes at the storage company’s statement that came in the mail, draw in a deep breath, and pray for patience. Finally I’d sigh in recollection of my own hangups which Will has graciously abided throughout our marriage.

And then this summer, Will’s reluctance to give up on his old pickup paid off.

While I was in England leading my Women’s Walking Retreat through the bucolic countryside, Will found himself at the centre of a wild traffic accident which involved a 19-year old flipping his Honda Civic in the middle of an intersection and landing his car atop the hood & driver’s side panel of our truck while in mid-air. Unbelievably, everyone involved walked away from the accident. Our F-150, though technically drivable, was destined for demolition. We recently accepted the insurance company’s payout and have been on the search for another pickup ever since.

In the meantime, Will has, much to everyone’s amazement, gotten Ol’ Betsy running, smog checked, and registered again. Initially the plan was for him to drive her to work and back until a replacement vehicle was found. After which we would finally sell or donate the Dodge.

But then it started. First Will mentioned needing to replace the driver’s side window so he wouldn’t need to hold it up halfway when showing his badge at his work entrance. That seemed practical and made sense to me. Next he suggested fixing the interior roof panel,  which I thought was an odd waste of time. We were sitting in the near dark under the olive tree in our garden on a warm August night, when he casually dropped the possibility of buffing the rust spots out and repainting them. Travis by his side for every trip to AutoZone. Ol’ Betsy restored to her former glory. I groaned inwardly. Ol’ Betsy hadn’t just received a new lease on life, she was going to get a full-blown engine-to-taillight makeover.

In my mind’s eye, I played out the next few years and envisioned a painstakingly slow process that would see Betsy sidled smugly up to my SUV on the driveway during her multi-year remodel and end in a triumphant finale featuring Will tossing the keys to our firstborn for her inaugural driving lesson. Exasperating in some respects, but not the worst outcome I could imagine.

So I kept my mouth shut and peered up at the first speckles of starlight gazing back at me through the silhouette of our garden grove, and realized that the possibility of redoing this truck was Will’s chance to play. To tinker, fix, and create. To teach our kids about mechanics and fixing things that still have a chance, instead of tossing something with potential and succumbing to the wild call of consumerism. It was noble and hare-brained and I loved him for it. He has loved me through, and in spite of, and because of so many creative, beautiful, wild ideas that don’t always make fiscal sense and often take up more time than they should. Here was my chance to extend the same grace and humour his desire for creative expansion.

Creative exploration & outlets do not require a purpose. Play need not have a specific outcome. Just as children require the opportunity to play in order to thrive, we too as adults need the chance to fling ourselves headlong into pursuits that allow our minds to unhinge, relax, and unravel. When this happens, all sorts of breakthroughs, solutions, and epiphanies can seep through the cracks of our stress come undone. 

I believe that through the process of working on his old truck, Will is likely to experience lightbulb moments that have nothing to do with mechanics, but provide clarity in other areas of his life. Creative play and exploration have tangible, practical effects that can help us process our past, problem-solve in our present, and plan for our future. Who knows, maybe that future looks like seeing your 5 year-old son one day hop into the driver’s seat of your pickup from the last century and drive off into the distance.  

“Creative exploration & outlets do not require a purpose. Play need not have a specific outcome” 

Do you wish you could enter into a world of play in order to explore the possibilities and lose yourself in the beauty of creative output? Join me on my next Women’s Walking Retreat through the Cotswolds for opportunities to rest, play, and pursue creative outlets. Let your imagination be reignited on our weeklong walks through the English countryside and bring inspiration home with you. Click HERE for details & dates.




My Favourite Place to Stay in the Cotswolds

It would seem appropriate to kick off my Cotswolds Travel Journal series  with where most stories start: at the beginning.

But I’m going to hold off and start somewhere else. I’ll circle back to the very beginning soon, but I’m going to start with my most favourite place to stay in the Cotswolds. I’d prefer to share about the sense of home that washed over me when I walked up to, then into, and finally out of (it will all make sense in a minute) the Stanton Guildhouse on Day 3 of my Women’s Walking Retreat through the Cotswolds.

I felt a kinship with this house, its gardens, and most obviously its views overlooking the English countryside the instant I arrived last year. When I returned this June, a flood of something that felt akin to a homecoming swept me up in its momentum and held me there in a cocoon of rest until we departed two days later. 

The Stanton Guildhouse is a newer build that was completed in 1973, but constructed with the local (yet internationally renowned) Arts & Crafts movement in mind. Everything about the place is hewn using local building materials and traditional Cotswold styles, from the limestone facade to the hand-turned light switch pulls, from the enormous inglenook fireplace to the bank of mullioned windows peering out over the story-book setting below. It is truly magnificent, but in a decidedly comforting manner that makes you want to curl up with a good book, cup of tea, and cozy blanket.

This year, knowing what I would be returning to, I was eager to finish the final climb from the village of Stanton and gaze upon the guildhouse with its gardens spilling over in mock orange and roses aplenty. We let ourselves into the great room, instantly dropped our bags on the cool flagstone floor, then flung open the set of arched double doors revealing a stone terrace draped in blossoms and framing a feast for the eyes. Panoramic views of the Evesham Vale swept across the horizon. Sheep dotted the sunlit hillside nearby, and just below the property, a mare and her foal enjoyed a verdant pasture.

The birdsong began early and the bees buzzed late, as they are prone to do throughout the long, languid days of an English summer. Rest felt effortless, guiltless, and good. The inspiration that surrounded us was simple yet stunning

In all this, I sensed a feeling of home, though the space looked nothing like my home in California. It did, however, remind me of homes from my past. The views easily mimicked the vantage from my parents’ home where I spent my teenage years in British Columbia. The gardens reminded me of my Grandma’s floral paradise that she so expertly cultivated for many decades. The house itself, with its limestone walls, central hearth, and heavy wooden doors featuring beautifully forged iron hardware, echoed my Grandparents’ rural home set in the Canadian prairies. Collectively, aspects of the Stanton Guildhouse reminded me of some of my most beautiful childhood memories. This felt like an especially precious gift, as those homes from my past are no longer in my family’s possession.

The best part about being in a place that reminded me of the most beautiful parts of my childhood meant that I felt instantly at ease in my surroundings. Talk about an ideal setting for inspiration & restoration! As our 2-night stay at the Guildhouse included a day of rest from our village-to-village walk through the Cotswolds, we all had the opportunity to bask in the beauty of our surroundings. At one point while relaxing in a massive free-standing soaker tub, I heard strains of the score from Pride & Prejuidice wafting up to the second floor. One of my guests, Brianne, was playing the baby grand piano set snugly in the corner of the great room. For just a moment in time, I felt like Elizabeth Bennet after a long walk. But then the Downton Abbey score was carried in through the window on a breeze and I imagined Lady Mary lowering herself into the warm water after a dramatic hunt across the countryside. Ah how a soundtrack plus the English countryside can set one’s imagination adrift!

Throughout our rest day, women on the trip enjoyed coffee on the terrace, journaling with a view, a leisurely rest under a shade tree. Someone arranged fresh cut flowers in a window sill, enhancing the already impossibly lovely view. Three of the ladies hired a taxi and explored the surrounding villages for the afternoon. A few of us enjoyed a long pub lunch overlooking the valley. One of my guests pulled together a fantastic charcuterie spread for us to enjoy throughout the evening. We sat and discussed creativity and the effects of decision fatigue on our ability to thrive. The birdsong began early and the bees buzzed late, as they are prone to do throughout the long, languid days of an English summer. Rest felt effortless, guiltless, and good. The inspiration that surrounded us was simple yet stunning. I could have stayed in Stanton for a month filled with days like this, but as reality insists that is not to be, I will take everything I embraced that day and bring the inspiration home.

During my first few days back home, I am tempted to get all the things done. Be efficient, productive, make up for ‘lost’ time. Then I remind myself what the Guildhouse gave me and find time for books, pruning roses, and quiet moments with nothing but bees and birdsong to enjoy. 

If you can see yourself taking in the beauty and being restored with time at the Stanton Guildhouse, click HERE for more details on my next Women’s Walking Retreat through the Cotswolds.


















Reviews: Women’s Walking Retreat in the Cotswolds

The opportunity to reflect on the words of those who have trusted me to lead them on my Women’s Walking Retreat through the Cotswolds is such an encouragement to me. It is my hope, that if you are considering joining me on this incredible adventure, the words of past guests will encourage you to take the leap and try something extraordinary. Like slow down and walk. Observe the details around you. Pray, meditate, and process. Dream for the future. Live in the moment. Stop scrolling and turn off all your notifications. Let the rhythms of nature take over your body and allow the beauty of the English countryside to nourish your soul. All at the SAME TIME. Doesn’t that sound incredible? But don’t take my word for it. Instead, take a glance at what a few of my guests have had to say about their time on my Women’s Walking Retreat in the Cotswolds.

“I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least – and it is commonly more than that – sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.” – Henry David Thoreau.



Are you ready to step into a time of restoration & inspiration? Join me next summer as we explore the Cotswolds together. Click HERE for details and first dibs on spots for my Women’s Walking Retreat.
















