Home » 5 Ways to Increase Rest & Decrease Stress

5 Ways to Increase Rest & Decrease Stress

As we prepare to launch into another school year, I’ve been thinking about what I what want this year to look like. It includes the following:

  • Increased time in nature
  • Less screen time & device dependence
  • A schedule that is oriented around restorative rest
  • More automation in order to reduce decision fatigue
  • Improved sleep quality

I’ve recently addressed the first two issues in my regular newsletter, which you can read here (nature edition) and here (screen time edition) but am diving into the other topics on my blog, as this is where I intend to spend more time exploring the concepts of rest and creativity that fuel and restore me whether I’m at home or on the road.

I am passionate about going out into the world (whether that be to far-flung locales or to just-around-the-corner antique stores and markets) and bringing inspiration back home. The cycle of going out into the world and being inspired, then weaving that inspiration into my rhythms and routines helps to ignite my creativity, which in turn enables me to thrive in various seasons and spaces.

If this appeals to you, I invite you to explore this space and stay tuned. You can also subscribe to my weekly newsletter which will keep you updated with my latest offerings (retreats, travel tips, slow rhythm strategies, and favourite finds) and links to fresh blog posts and photo collections.

I’ll be sharing very shortly about my thoughts regarding a schedule oriented around rest and how I intend to apply that to this coming year. One thing that I’ve been considering lately is how I seem to experience the best mental rest once my body has had a chance to slow down. My husband Will, however, told me that he functions best with the opposite approach.

Which works best for you? Slowing your body down first and letting your mental burdens lighten as a result, or letting go of your mental stressors in order to let your body rest? Feel free to share your personal preferences in the comments below or send me an email at: hello@bringinginspirationhome.com  I’d love to chat further about why some of us slow down better one way and others require the opposite strategy!

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